
What will it be like at Christmas this year?

The global pandemic has made it very difficult to see friends and family from outside of our households and bubbles. With the festive season just weeks away, many people are wondering what Christmas 2020 is going to be like.

The government is reportedly considering a temporary easing of restrictions for a week over Christmas, however, it’s important to note that this hasn’t been confirmed and is unlikely to be announced before the middle of December.

The second national lockdown is due to end on Wednesday 5th December, but any previous rules prohibiting indoor gatherings will likely still be in place and additional restrictions are also possible.

Lockdown Christmas

What about testing?

There are various tests available. PCR tests detect current infection, and the antibody tests detect previous infection. The Abbott/PanBio antigen test is probably well suited as it tests for current infectiousness if any. Availability for tests is likely to be scarce as we approach the holidays getting everybody tested can be expensive at a time when many are already financially stretched.

You can’t smell a turkey over Zoom

Like with so many other things, taking our Christmases online may well be the sensible solution this year, especially if it protects more vulnerable family members. It certainly won’t be the same, though.

Larger bubbles

If the government eases restrictions, it is likely that we’ll be able to bubbles so that we can see at least some of our nearest and dearest, but will all need to apply common sense when deciding who it is safe to see.

Light at the end of the tunnel

The good news is that there are a lot of reasons to be optimistic about 2021. There are now many promising vaccines in development with a rollout likely to begin before the end of this year.

In the meantime, stay safe, and have a happy Christmas.


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